
Sunday 18 December 2016

Factors that increases the risk of Leukaemia

Previously, we covered food that can help fight leukaemia. Today, we are going to cover the few factors that increase the risk of developing leukaemia.
These are the few factors: 

1) Previous cancer treatment

  • Certain type of chemotherapies and radiotherapies can cause damage to cells in the bone marrow hence increasing the risk of leukaemia 
For instance, breast cancer patients first undergo a surgery then both radiation therapy and chemotherapy can be given after the surgery to lower the risk of cancer coming back which is also known as recurrence. In a study, they recorded the different types of treatment , also known as adjuvant treatments, and the number of breast cancer patients who undergo it after surgery. Of  the women in the study, 50 of them actually developed leukaemia in the 10 years after radiation therapy, chemotherapy or both treatments.

2) Genetics
  • Genetic disorder: This refers to a genetic problem caused by one or more abnormalities in the genome, especially a condition that is present from birth. Not all of the genetic disorders will increase the risk of leukaemia but certain genetic disorders will. An example will be down syndrome.
  • Family history: Most leukaemia have no familial link. However first-degree relatives of CLL patients , or having an identical twin who has or had AML or ALL may increase the risk of developing the disease.

3) Exposure to certain chemicals
  • Workers exposed to high levels of benzene in the workplace such as benzene and formaldehyde which are commonly used by the chemical industry may be at greater risk of leukaemia.

4) Chemotherapy
  • Cancer patients who are consuming drugs that are known as cancer-fighting drugs may develop leukaemia after.
  • An example is a drug , alkylating agents

5) General
  • Gender: Men are more likely to develop certain  type of leukaemia than women
  • Age: Risk of most type of leukaemia except ALL generally increases with age

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